Friday, March 27, 2020


Well, another week many left to go?  Who knows.  It has been quite an interesting time.  'Stay at home' laws can create isolation for sure.  I have been encouraging my guild members to keep in touch with family and friends by phone or email.

And although I have a couple days, hopefully, of less work this weekend...I really could use it...who knows what new things will come next week.

I did get a couple more pages for my journals.  These were smaller and I have begun to introduce fabric things like lace and designer yarn...

I think I will spend this weekend enjoying working on my journals...after, of course, taking care of the necessary guild items and emails.  I encourage all of you to do the same. 

Find something that you want and enjoy doing and spend time doing it.   Take some time for exercise.  Reach out to at least one person.  And don't spend 24/7 on the news.  Watch entertainment tv or listen to music.  Take a breather...we will get through this...

Talk with you on Monday...