Friday, October 9, 2020


Today has been a mixture of sun and shade but no rain, thank goodness.  It's been a bit the low 60's!  Still have not turned on the furnace, but I am using portable heaters and, of course, my electric blanket!

So today I want to share the teacup cosy and mug rug that I made.  It's for the next guild newsletter.  Members have been asking for gift ideas and this one is inexpensive because they can shop from their fabric stash.  It's also easy and quick.  

For your tea drinking folks, you can purchase a nice teacup - check out the second hand stores.  They always have lots to choose from.  

To make a pattern, use about half of a circular plate.   Choose one that you think will be big enough.  Cut the pattern out of two pieces of paper.  Tape the paper pieces together on the circular side leaving the flat side open.  Then see if it will fit easily over the cup.  Remember that the paper pattern may be a bit stiff, the fabric will not.  

Once you have the right size pattern, cut out four pieces.  Two for the outside and two for the inside.  Place right sides of one outside and one inside pieces of fabric.  Then add a piece of batting and pin all three pieces together.  

Sew a seam around the circular part of the fabric.  Trim close to the stitch and turn.  To finish the flat side, fold the bottom raw edges inside and pin.  The sew a seam about one quarter inch from edge completely around.  At this point you can quilt, if desired, however you want.  

Repeat this with the other two pieces of fabric.  When both are finished, you can sew the two sides together on the circular side leaving open the flat (bottom) side.  If desired, you can add a strip of fabric, pinned closely around the top and stitched.  (As shown in picture.)  

Mug rug directions next week.

Have a nice weekend...I have the guild zoom meeting with a speaker on Saturday.  Sunday is football...

Talk with you next week...