Friday, October 22, 2021

More Handmade Decorations...

Trick or Treat Day is getting closer.  I have two small pumpkins but not to carve.  I want to roast them.  I still have grape and tomatoes from the farm visit that I need to take care of.   I plan on making juice out of the grapes...probably enough for a glass.  The tomatoes I plan on frying.  I love fried tomatoes.

I made three more ornaments...

I couldn't find solid rings to use so I actually used book rings which can be opened.  But the ring is totally covered so that's not a problem.  Found 6 for a dollar at the Dollar Tree Store.  These decorations are so cute that I have fallen in love with them.  

As for the bells, I still like them but I am going to try to make a smaller version, about two-thirds the size that I first made.  Will share pictures when I have a couple made.

The weather is still nice so I am going to finish up sealing the corners on Duchess and rinse out the holding tank so it's ready to add the antifreeze.  Rain is forecast for next week beginning Tuesday so the sealer will have plenty of time cure properly.   

With the roof being sealed this summer and now the corners are sealed. That should take care of sealing for a year or two.  And with the holding tank rinsed and then antifreeze added, I should be done with the outside work on Duchess for the fall.  Next spring I want to replace the grey water drain system.  The black water will be eliminated as I am going to use a composting toilet instead.  I hope to work on the inside this winter...there is a heater in Duchess so I should be able to do that.

It's already the weekend.  Time seems to fly so fast.  I read somewhere that instead of thinking in terms of hours and days, maybe we should think in terms of weeks or months.  Seems counter intuitive but when I think in those terms, I realize how much as well as how little time there is.  

I still write out my daily activities list the night before - it only takes about five minutes.  But, now I make goals on weekly and monthly basis instead of daily basis.  I feel like I invest more toward the goals.  It may only be a different way of looking at things but I think it has made a difference.  Will let you know if it does work for me.

Have a great weekend...enjoy the with you Monday...