Friday, December 2, 2022

December 2, 2022

I think last night was the coldest night of the fall but the high today is in the high 40's and tomorrow again high 50's to 60!

I made wall hangings this year along with the tree ornaments.  I had an idea to crochet small 'snowflakes' out of white crochet thread not yarn.

I also wanted a snowman and a tree.  After auditioning several fabrics for the snowman, I liked glittered felt best of all.

After, again, auditioning several fabrics for the tree, I settled on white brocade.  It just completed the picture better than say a dark fabric or even a fabric that simulated a birch tree.

I used the machine with a zigzag stitch to attach the snowman and the tree, but after pressing the crocheted pieces with starch I hand stitched them to the background.

And speaking of background, after trying several plain colors, a dark blue fit the best.  Here's what it looks like...

Although it doesn't show up both the snowman and the tree sparkly in daylight.

I hope to get the tree up this weekend but as I said before, that may be the extent of the decorations although I have been making things like the magazine tree which I will share next week.

Enjoy your weekend and take time for yourself...

Talk with you next week...