Yesterday it rained in the morning, hard showers, then cleared up and was sunny and hot 80 plus degrees.
Today, it's cloudy, dark and cold. High today may make 50 degrees. That's a thirty degree swing difference. And rain comes this evening! And most of the day tomorrow!
I have been advised by folks that they miss some of the prior things I've posted on the sidebars as they disappear when I post new things on the sidebars. So I am exploring how best to save the sidebar information. As a result, the sidebar information on the left side may not change for a few days; however, the sidebar on the right hand side will continue to change.
I was looking at some of my small fabric pieces that use scrap fabric to see how I created it. One way was to layer fabric to make scenes. If you look at a picture of nature, you can see how things are layered. So one way to use fabric scraps is to layer them. For instance...
In this winter scene piece (not finished), I choose a somewhat dark but neutral blue for the sky, a darker blue for distance, the lighter gray and finally white coming forward. For this piece, I used a zigzag stitch (wide and close) to finish the edges.In this piece (which I used to practice a meandering quilt stitch with the sewing machine), I used raw edge fabric but with the sewing machine sewed a straight stitch on the top edge. You can see how I used layering to show mountains, a lake, foliage and flowers. Note: The bottom edge of the fabric is covered by the next layer, so when you have the layers chosen, start at the top (generally the furthest point).
In this piece, I used both fabric layering as well as thread to make the scene (White thread on blue fabric to indicate waves.)
Layering is fun to make outdoor scenes. When you have time, collect some fabric and play with layering. It's fun and easy to create a beautiful fabric scene.
Well, I need to go and plant a few more seedlings. Have a great day. Talk with you later...