At least the temperatures today and for most of the week are going to be in the low 90's, however two days are 98...a bit hotter than I would like.
So what about the news of the weekend...Biden dropping out of the race. I was upset about that because the media wasn't treating both candidates the same...Biden wasn't the only old candidate. But, as my grandma always said, 'life is not a bed of roses' I guess we have to take what comes no matter how unfair and unlikely it seems. The race has changed considerably...should be interesting to say the least!
I really enjoyed the Quilt 2024 Summer Camp. Five free days of workshops, interviews and discussions. And I learned a lot. For instance, an easy way to sew a successful Y seam. I have always avoided them but will now try patterns with them.
I picked up some yarn and enjoyed crocheting. After dinner one day, I took two empty large cans and had fun decorating them with fabric and the crocheted items. Check out the first one...
And here's the second one...
I used a glue gun for this rather than tacky glue. And you can see where I used the crocheted items. It was lots of fun and will give me more places to store things when not it use!
Besides the tin cans (be sure to use a pliers to press down any sharp edged on the inside/outside of the can), I cut out two heavy cardboard circles for each can. One to go on the bottom and a smaller one to go inside, both covered in the same fabric as the cans. I even added a crocheted piece to the inside of one. Cut and paste, or in this case glue. Satisfies the need to create!
That's it for today...
Talk with you tomorrow...