Wednesday, December 4, 2024

I did get the packages to UPS yesterday and was pleasantly surprised that it cost much less than anticipated.  And the packages will arrive at their destinations next week, even the one that goes way out west!

I also made a really excellent batch of chili for supper last night along with some cornbread.

And I did get a start on opening the Christmas decorations.  That's what I'm going to spend most of the day on...getting the trees up and decorating for Christmas.  

The first snow of the year happened yesterday and I didn't even know it until afterwards.  It was a fast moving little squall that left everything white...for about ten minutes.  The only snow left is on the grassy parts of the yard.

Speaking of weather, I checked the ten day forecast and in eight days it's forecast to be 57 degrees here!  Really...57 degrees...and hotter in the city.  

So my aim this week is to get the decorating done in the lower, main part of the house.  I want to decorate upstairs also, but that may take a bit longer.  I also want to put up the lighted tree out front of the house but haven't found an outside outlet to use.  I need to spend some time figuring how to access some electricity.

Next week I want to finish up all the shopping for local folks.  I have a lot of it done, but would like to finish it up and get everything wrapped.  That will leave Christmas baking the following week...just in time for Christmas.

Well, those are my about your plans?  Are they coming together?  Do you have your lists made?  I hope so.  

I don't know about you, but if I have a plan in place, I am far more relaxed and have a more enjoyable time putting the plan in place.  And let's face it, we all need to relax and enjoy the holidays with families and friends.  

Well, that's it for today...I'm still thinking about what to start in the new may be a surprise not only to you, but also to me!!!

Have an absolutely great day...

Talk with you tomorrow...