Around 10:00 in the morning, I smelled a bit of oil...not much...just a quick whiff. Turns out, the furnace stopped working and it was fairly cold out.
I managed to work until about 2:30pm but then it was quite chilly in the house so I turned on the electric blanket on my bed for the cats and I used a small electric blanket plus a small electric radiator heater to keep warm!
The service folks came around 4:30 and it took about an hour. Turns out it was a tiny little screw thingy with an extremely long name that stopped the oil from getting to the furnace...basically maintenance.
What I did get done was unpack all the Christmas decorations, set up the small Christmas tree, move about 80 percent of the things I wanted to decorate the lower main rooms to those rooms. So it's beginning to look very Christmasy around here.
It began snowing last night and it snowed again this morning. There's not that much snow...around three to four inches...but it's very slippery out. Again, in less than a week from now, the temperatures are forecast to be in the fifties!
I was reading the Farmer's Almanac for 2025 and they forecast low snow levels for the Northeast coming mainly late January and early February. Other predictions are for a gentler winter than normal. Still others predict more snow than recent years. Well, recent years have had almost no snow. I think we only had two snowstorms last year and the snow did not last. Guess the best thing is to prepare for everything!
Today, I will be staying home and finishing the decorating for Christmas. Maybe make supper. Good thing I got the packages mailed earlier this week.
If you're in a snowy area, please stay safe. The first snow of the year usually brings lots of accidents so if you can, stay home and enjoy the day.
That's it for now...
Talk with you tomorrow...