Friday, January 3, 2025

Looks like the forecast is more like winter.  The highs for the next ten days are in the low to mid 30's with a couple of high 20's thrown in.  No snow, though, nor rain.  Just colder temperatures.

The second day of 'The Month of Getting It Together' is posted at the right.  As I do not post on the weekend, the third and fourth days are also posted.  

Under Pages, GETTING IT TOGETHER, I will add each day as it appears in the blog.  That way if you miss a day or so, you can look it up under 'GETTING IT TOGETHER'.

No headache today so I will be getting the flu shot as well as glasses.  I did begin working on my boxes yesterday.  I opened and organized the two large boxes.  I have five smaller boxes to work through, hopefully today after I run my errands.

During the weekend why don't you think about what resolutions or goals that you would like to work on this year.  I know that most folks quit after four months; however, the average number of days to create a habit is only 66.  Thinking in those terms, perhaps working on a resolution or goal seems more attainable.

And while you're thinking about those goals, think about something that you really want to do.  Most folks think of things that they feel are necessary like lose weight, exercise more or improve financial situations.  These are all really good goals and maybe they should be things you work on regardless of whether they are New Years Goals or not.

A goal has a great chance of success if it's something you want to do.  For instance, for crafters, learn a new craft; for readers, read a certain number of books and for cooks, try new recipes.  So think about what you would really enjoy doing this year that you could include as a goal.

And with the holidays mostly over, with preparations done, decorations up and celebrations held, now is the time to just simply relax and enjoy the season.  

Have a great, relaxing and pleasant weekend.  Remember The Month of Getting It Together prompts.

Talk with you on Monday...