That's fine with me. I wouldn't mind the snow but not the ice. Ice is not only dangerous for driving and walking, it causes a lot of outages as ice laden trees have a tendency to bow and break right across electrical lines!
How was your weekend? I hope you had time to just relax and enjoy the holidays. Did you think about a resolution or goal for the year, something that you really wanted to do, not that you felt you had to do?
I also thought about what I would really like to do. Then I saw a short documentary on a fabric and paper artist whom I admire. That video made me realize that what I really wanted to do was to create with abandon irregardless of the mess, the accumulation of 'stuff', etc. That and the firm decision to share my creations with a wider audience. So that's going to be my number one goal?
Another goal that I would like you to consider is to be good to yourself. Many of us have a tendency to take blame for things out of our control or to talk about ourselves in less than positive terms. We are our best criticizers from how we look, how we act, what we do, what we didn't do, etc.
This year I would like you to think and talk about yourself in positive terms and when you do consider criticizing yourself, stop and remember the good things about yourself. When you do that you will find that thinking positively will increase your self-esteem, you will feel better, more optimistic and even more motivated to achieving your dreams.
So that's two goals to consider for the year: What you have always wanted to do & being good to yourself. Tomorrow I will share another goal for you to consider.
There's another prompt from the Month of Getting It Together on the sidebar. Remember, that you have to use the web version to see the complete blog. The reader version will not have the sidebar at all.
I am still crocheting...not snowflakes anymore, but small containers...
These are small ranging from three inches to six inches. I am not great at crochet patterns but the formula seemed to work for any size.
I started with the magic circle. If you are not familiar with that check out YouTube videos. It really makes a difference and once you learn you will want to use it all the time.
(Note: sc - single crochet; dc - double crochet; tr - triple crochet; ss- slip stitch; ch = chain)
So, begin with a magic circle. Round One: sc as many times into the circle as you want. Maybe start out smaller like fifteen or sixteen. The more single crochets the larger the container. Once you have the number you want, ss into the first sc. Round Two: Ch two then continue with sc one into the first sc, two sc into the next sc, one into the next, two in the next, etc. until you have come to the end and ss into the first sc. Round three, four, etc will be the same as round two. Add as many rounds as you want. Check of the bottom of the container...
To start the sides, Round One: Ch two, sc in every sc for the first row and ss into first sc. Round Two: Ch three, then dc into every sc. Ss into first dc. Repeat Round One and Round two. Next Round: sc into every dc, ss into first stitch. Next Round: Ch three, tr into every sc, ss into first tr. Next round: Ch two, sc into every tr. ss. into first sc. Finally, add lace by chaining five to seven ch, skip two sc, ss into third sc and repeat until end. ss and finish off.
I added ribbon in the triple crochet round finishing off with a bow and then folding down the triple crochet round as shown. I cut a circle out of cardboard, covered it with fabric and placed it inside the container as shown...
As I said, I am not great at crochet patterns but if you crochet you get the idea.
That's it for today. Stay warm if it's cold outside where you live.
Talk with you tomorrow...