Thursday, February 20, 2025

Another bright and sunny day but still cold.  High today is 25!  The snow/ice is not going to melt with these temperatures.  But by next week we are back in the mid to high 40's!  That's with no snow in the forecast.

I didn't work on the junk journal yesterday.  Instead, I rearranged my studio and I think this configuration will work out well.  I now have a large empty space to craft on and there's no table inbetween the paper area and the fabric area.  I think this is going to work out much, much better.

Also, I got some more books from Thrift Books...

I have one more Tasha Tudor book coming as well as some older gardening books.  These were slated as in 'good' condition and as far as I'm concerned, they are just fine...I can't find any problems at all with these books.  I can't totally reproduce the library of books I lost, but I am finding those that I really enjoyed.

I was wondering if any of you were having trouble finding what your life's dream is?  Well, there are some things that you can do to find that dream.  Think back to your younger self, say your childhood, what did you love to do?  What did you spend your free time doing?  That may give you some clues.

How about now, say money was no object, what would you do?  What do you spend your free time doing right now?  Or what do you most dislike doing?  Answering these questions can give you some idea.  

Still not sure about your dream?  Why not try journaling?  For some, writing down your thoughts help focus on what's important and that could lead to your dream.  The thing is, without that dream, you're probably missing something in your life that is satisfying and fulfilling.  And remember, dreams can be big and they can be little but they have to be yours.

Yesterday, I found a lot more than one item to about you?  Check out today's place to choose an item.  I know I can find at least one item here.

Stay warm and stay safe...
Have a great day...
Talk with you tomorrow...