Monday, December 12, 2011

An Inexpensive Decoration

The Yin and The Yang, or in other words...Chip and Dale!!!   Sleeping comfortably on a warm fleece winter blanket!   Oh, what a life!!!

I've been playing around with markers lately.   They don't seem to cover as well as I would like, but it's been fun...  Think I will try a different brand!

Remember these, I made several when the kids were young and we had very little (no) money for extras.   Might be something to make for these economically challenged times...
This one had only three folds which you do on each page separately.  I also folded the covers and then used tape - double sided - to hold the covers together.   If you use a clip (which does make it easier) you will need to finesse the pages to make a complete circle.   This magazine was around 150 pages.   If you want a fuller tree, use two magazines (same size) and attach cover to cover on both sides.

First Fold:

Second Fold:

Third Fold:

I have used them as is and I have spray painted them green or gold or silver depending on how I used them in decorating.   By the way, this was a normal size magazine.

I remember making a Mr. and Mrs. Santa Clause using a reader's digest size magazine, spray painting white, then using a styrofoam ball for the heads and red, white and black felt to make clothing, hats, arms, etc.   They lasted for eleven years!!!   Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of them.   Maybe I'll make another set.

Well, I will be out of commission for a couple days...tomorrow is my oral surgery...hoo-rah!!!

Hope your holiday plans are coming together...

Thanks for visiting...

I had to actually go into my storage area to retrieve some things.   Last time I did that, Peacock was still living.   So, I wasn't sure how I would react.   Boy, was I surprised!   It was so nice to see all those pieces of furniture which we kept...things that have been with us from the beginning of our marriage...and I felt so at home.  Now I really can't wait to get back here after my next trip around the states and set up housekeeping.   It was a grand experience to be among all those things we used in our home.   Not sad at all...comforting...