Thursday, March 15, 2012

Birds and Butterflies, no Bees

(Note:   I tried posting this yesterday and could not get any internet connection.   Hopefully that will not occur again...but I'm not counting on it!!!)

Today in South Carolina it was warm and sunny.   The birds were singing and I saw lots of butterflies.   But wait, this is only March, right?  Didn't see any bees, though...

I thought I would share a few more of the pictures I took on the way to Beaufort yesterday...

While on my walks around the campsite, I found a metal sculpture of some flowers with a butterfly at the top...

I also ran across this unusual piece of natural wood sculpture...

I'm finally back to doing some creative things.   It's taken longer than I thought it would, but here are a few doodles that I am working on...

I don't normally talk about what I am reading, but I thought I would share a mystery series that I am finding really funny.   It's called the High Heels Mystery Series by Gemma Halliday.   I have read two of the five books I downloaded and have enjoyed every minute.   I have to admit that I am a mystery addict of sorts so most of my fictional reading is mysteries.   If you see one of the books, pick it up, you may just enjoy it.

Thanks for spending some time here...

Enjoy your evening...