Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Being Present...

I arrived in Holbrook, Arizona just fine.   There was very little wind on the way so the trip was easy.   I went from the colorful mountains of New Mexico to the flat, rolling hills of Arizona.   It also seemed like a lot of the color was left in New Mexico.

Tomorrow I am going to go on the loop at the Petrified Forest National Park which includes scenes of the painted desert, archeological digs, and, of course, the 'logs' in the forest. 

The weather may be warm so 'the boys' will probably accompany me.   There will be stops for pictures but not hiking.   By the way, this is what 'the boys' are doing right now...

Although there is no shade and the sun is rather hot, there is a breeze (make that a strong wind).   The curtain (really a single flat sheet) over the open door is keeping the trailer very comfortable...

My herbs are still doing great...

I have managed a bit of creativity.   I applied a couple coats of gesso to several pieces of heavy cardboard.   Afer drying, I gave a light background in different colors and then tried a bit of doodling and drawing.   Not great but I am enjoying the process...
I'm not finished with either one yet.  The top picture is strictly markers, the bottom is acrylic paint.

I have to share what happened to me today...

Do you ever get hit over the head with an idea?   Today, the book I am reading as a meditation to begin my day focused on being present to the 'now'. 

It was an idea that I have certainly read about, thought about and continually try to put into practice (with limited success).   But then while reading the blogs I follow, several focused on that very idea.   Some through poetry, some through music lyrics and some just expounding on that very idea in their own lives.

And if that wasn't enough, the last sentence in the chapter of a book I am studying ended with the concept of being present.

Like I said, I was basically hit over the head with the whole idea of being present.  The interesting thing was that as I was thinking about the coincidences, I realized that none of them were judgmental about what the present was about. 

So if spending time on Pinterest, or reading blogs, or gazing out the window at the sky was what one was doing, that's fine.   The trick is to be present to the activity.   Not judging it, not looking for some advantage in doing it, just being present to the activity.

I don't know about you, but there are times when I evaluate activities as to how they will be of some sort of advantage, judging if they are worth my time.   And, yes, I know that it is important to consider how one spends one's time.   But, still, just being present to whatever one is doing is so fulfilling and, yes, peaceful.

It was just kind of an odd circumstance that I thought I would share with you...

Tomorrow, lots of pictures.

Thanks for checking in...

Enjoy the rest of your day...