Monday, May 21, 2012

My Favorite Wild Flowers

I know, I know, everyone considers dandelions weeds, but I love them.   And I remember my grandma making dandelion wine - never tried it so I have no idea what it tastes like.   But the dandelions are glorious out here in Park City....probably much to the frustration of neighbors...

Remember blowing the seeds, and making daisy chains with them, and holding them under your chin to see if you like something...

Experimenting with watercolor crayons has been on my agenda for a while...

I have been making backgrounds using the crayons, spraying with water and brushing and I like the results.  In this first picture, I simply drew circles and after spraying with water, I used the brush in a circular style...

In this background, I just scribbled the crayons any which way and then used the brush on the wet canvas in a back and forth style...

In this background, I covered each block with the crayon and then after adding water, I brushed back and forth keeping within the lines of the original crayon application...
I'll show you how I use these backgrounds in the future...

Finally, I have been doing some more paper collage.   I really like using a stiff edge to smooth down the collage pieces.   My favorite tool is a plastic half circle small ruler similar to what elementary students use.  I'm not done with this piece yet, but it's looking pretty good so far...

I have to say that I am enjoying crafting once again, especially in my new office area.   The design is working out well.

I'm back to regular morning exercises once again.   I can tell quickly when I don't make time to do  them.   But it's so easy to let them slide when life intervenes!!

I've also added my first simple yoga routine in the afternoon.   I've done yoga in the past and have incorporated some poses in my morning exercises but I'm hoping that the added routine will keep me moving more easily.

Hope your weekend was great...did you see the eclipse?

Have a great evening...

Thanks for stopping by...