Thursday, June 7, 2012


This is what folks around here call a potgut.  They hop like rabbits when traveling slowly, but also run like crazy when scared...

They remind me of the brazen squirrels back east in NYC...

This one is just sunning himself at the edge of the driveway next to the garage...

The babies look just like chipmunks and there are lots and lots of them.   Not to be confused with a prairie dog which is much bigger.  I took this picture at Arches National Park.

Changing subjects, I picked up my grandson from elementary school today.   It was the last day of school.   I don't ever remember such a great celebration of the last day of school. 

The grades lined up inside and when the fifth grade (the oldest grade in the school) was called to line up, the rest of the grades clapped, yelled, did high-fives, etc.  

Outside the parents lined up on two sides so the kids would walk in between.   When the kids came out the parents clapped as well as sprayed tons of silly string.   The younger kids had balloons.   And the school broadcast lots of lively music.  Everyone was laughing and enjoying themselves.  

It was much more than just summer vacation starting, it was a celebration of the year of education.  Such a difference from the last day of school for my kids...a difference that I hardily commend.

Thanks for dropping in...

Enjoy your evening...