Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Journaling and Goal Planning Continued

How are your journal entries coming?   I finished the second prompt 'Day Dream - Your Life in Technicolor'...

The grid in the upper left corner and the hexagon in the upper right corner are made with a glue gun.   I simply formed the objects with the glue from the glue gun on a separate sheet of parchment paper.   When dry I glued them to my page.

I do have a beginning on the third prompt ' Quietly Consider the Year Unfolding'...

What I am trying to do with this year's prompts is to create without any plans.   Kind of like free association in psychology.  It may not work all the time, but remember my first piece?   I simply began and the word 'success' showed up.  

I think this will be an interesting experiment throughout the year.   What do you think?   Do you plan your journal entries or just let them happen?

So, how is your goal planning coming?   Have you found any problems in creating the steps?   If you need more - or less - steps, remember, this is your life.   Plan it around your needs, not anyone else's.

I have found a couple of my ideas require fewer steps.   For instance, one thing I would like to do is to test at least one vegetarian recipe a month.    So, the steps would be to research a recipe, gather the ingredients and make it.   An easy out for me is that I enjoy a PBS cooking show called Delicious TV Totally Vegetarian.   I have yet to see a show that doesn't include at least one recipe that I want to try.

Another goal I am working with - scanning my pictures onto the computer - will probably need more than a year to complete.    There are a lot of pictures!!!!   So I have decided to scan and notate twenty pictures a week.    If at the end of the first month that number doesn't work out, I will either decrease or increase the amount of pictures.

Keep working on your plans.   February begins Friday. but I suggest that you may want to begin on the following Monday.    Monday's for me always seem like a great place to begin...

Thanks for stopping by...

Enjoy your evening...