Friday, January 25, 2013

Weather, Plumbing & Choices!!!

This picture is a page from a journal journey I am participating in at Roses On My Table.   (It's free if you would like to join.)   One of the January themes I chose is 'seeds' and I call this page 'Scatter Seeds of Love'.   I began with colored pencils and then added some outlines in permanent markers as well as some writing.   I also added highlights using metallic gel pens.

It's been an interesting day.  The weather has dipped below zero the past couple of nights.   My cold water froze in the upstairs bathroom even though I let it drip.   Hot water is fine and both are fine on the first floor.   So, I turned up the heat to try and thaw it out.   No luck.   And now the toilet water has stopped upstairs.   I'm now awaiting a!

Remember,  we are making goals/plans choices this week and the up-coming weekend.    So for the next few days decide which ones you want to enjoy.   I have divided my ideas up loosely into five various categories:   Personal - physical,  Personal - spiritual,  Personal - enjoyable,  Personal - professional and household.

If you have been following this January journey with me, you will remember that the number of goals you choose needs to be something you are comfortable with AND that the goals are not written in stone so if something does not work out, you can simply drop it and add another if desired.

You might want to try this week's journal prompt.   I have found many times when I journal - writing, drawing, collage, etc. - things, ideas, choices, etc. become a bit clearer for me.   Maybe they will for you also.

Thanks for dropping by...

Enjoy your weekend...

Have fun choosing...