Monday, February 4, 2013

Day One of Enjoying Your Goals...

Well, if you watched the Superbowl, it wasn't very exciting until the lights went out.   Once they came on and play resumed it was definitely a much better game.   I didn't have any favorites so I just enjoyed watching.

Remember my Ornament Doodle Series, well, here's the first of my Egg Doodle Series...

Remember my forest at night fabric scene...

I felt this scene needed something so I decided to add a cabin.   I tried several different fabrics.   The darker ones really did detract from the scene which was exactly opposite of what I thought they would do.  

I then tried lighter, more colorful fabrics and decided that the results were much better.    The second picture is a close-up.   What do you think?

Well, how did Day One of enjoying your goals go?   I did begin my exercise this morning.   I thought I would walk 1/2 mile since it's been four months since I have actually done any regular walking but I  ended up walking one mile.   It was a slow mile, but it was a mile.   (I'm using the Jane Fonda Prime Time Walkout DVD.   The slow mile for a couple weeks, then the faster mile.   And then on to other longer walking dvds.)  Tomorrow will be strength workouts.

So, one of my goals is regular exercise.   Another is writing.   I am continuing with the blog and the curriculum assignment I have.   But, I am adding a book of meditations for women.   Spiritual, possibly, but not really religious.  More to encourage women to seek out their inner strengths. 

I began today by drafting a mission statement.   I have found that when I want to do something  that has all sorts of possibilities, using a mission statement - in other words, a sentence that captures what I am trying to accomplish - helps to keep me on track.  

Have you ever tried using a mission statement?  If you ever find yourself in the middle of a project that is going in all different directions, try writing a statement of what your original intent was.   Then compare that with where you are in the project.   It just might help. 

Over the next week, I will continue to share my goals with you.   I also will be updating them monthly to see how things have progressed.

I have a new journal prompt up 'Honor Your Dreams'.   I'll share last week's journal page with you tomorrow.  

Thanks for visiting...

Enjoy your evening...

See you tomorrow...