Friday, February 1, 2013

Goal Plans Finished

Here's my journal page for the prompt 'Quietly Consider the Year Unfolding'.   (I'm having some problems with focus in my camera.   Going to have to check that out.)   The words on the large middle shape are:   Choose goals.  Make plans.  Commit to change.   Embrace wonder.   Find inspiration.   Share joy.   Love yourself.   Care for others.  Smell the roses.   Appreciate the day.   Celebrate life.   Create hope.   Honor your dreams.   Keep the faith.   Support your friends.   Have compassion.   Trust.    Words to live by...

Well, I hope all of you are polishing off your final plans for achieving your goals.   And getting ready to enjoy the adventure of the journey to reach them.    I'm looking forward to working on my goals...well, truth be told, exercise - not so much...but the rest of them, yes.   Even the mundane ones like scanning my documents and pictures.   The joy will be less paper to haul around and store.

I'm going to post monthly updates on my goal adventure.     And when the occasion arises that my plans change, I will blog about those changes.   I hope that by reminding readers that I am continuing to pursue my goals they will be encouraged to continue pursuing theirs.

I've never taken a month to really explore what I want to do for the rest of the year.   Doing it this way, though, took the stress and hurry out of making decisions.   It also afforded me more time to make plans that fit my life.   And finally, I think that because I invested time in doing it this way,  the success rate of achieving goals will be much higher.

Thanks for sharing this part of the journey with me.   I hope it helped you in your planning.

Thanks for spending time here...

Enjoy your weekend...remember it is Superbowl Sunday this weekend...

See you Monday...