Tuesday, May 13, 2014


I hope all of you have made it through the previous published posts to get to yesterday's post.   I now realize that I should have published yesterday's first and the rest of them afterwards...ah...another learning moment.   Now, if only I can remember....

Well, this is a unique travel adventure. You see, I was on a mission to find felt-backed plastic tablecloths for outside use. Everywhere else I have lived, these are so abundant that I can usually pick them up for under five dollars...but not here.

I have been to eight different stores and can't find any felt-backed plastic tablecloths. (And, by the way, I have no connections to any of the stores in this article.)

As I said I had already visited several stores and was unsuccessful in my quest. So, I decided to check out three more stores. First I went to World Market. Now, if you haven't been to a World Market store, I encourage you to visit and just enjoy walking through the different areas. It's a very unique store with lots of things from, as the name implies, around the world. I'm not a shopper but I love looking and getting ideas. I found tablecloths, but not the felt-backed plastic type.

I also found something else which was on sale at 40% off...wind chimes. And the original price was only $5.99, so with the 40% off it was extremely inexpensive. And if you have read my blogs before, you know I love my wind chimes. I have a really long, deep set, a middle size set,  one made out of shale-type material which sounds like rain and now I have a tiny set...it's about ten inches long and it sounds beautiful...

The next store I went to was T.J.Maxx...surely they would have some. Well, they had tablecloths all right...really beautiful ones. But no felt-backed plastic ones. T.J.Maxx is a store that I go into for two specific things...yes, I know that there is lots of other merchandise, including clothing.  

But, I have found two things of excellent quality at rock bottom prices. Decorative boxes (which I didn't purchase) and decorative notebooks (which I did purchase – three in fact plus a small clipboard.) Remember, if you shop at this store and find something you like, purchase it right away because it may not be there the next time you visit.   So, check out my notebooks...

Finally, I thought maybe Michaels would have some...actually back east, they do...but alas no felt-backed plastic tablecloths here! Now, I have to say that craft stores are my downfall for shopping. Clothing, not interested. Knick-knacks, love to look but not purchase. 

But crafts...well, I have trained myself to only purchase clearance items unless I am looking for something specific.  I did need some watercolor paper, but the rest were items on sale. And I know that I will need them for swaps eventually...at least that's what I like to tell myself...

Did I succeed in my quest for felt-backed tablecloths? No, but I did have fun. And now I will have to break out my supply of them from my trailer. I always purchase a couple at the end of the season when they cost a buck.

What do I need them for...well, one of the ways I am going to use them is unusual, but I will show you that later.

The book recommends about a half-hour per Zentangle...I must be really slow because it takes me about an hour.   But I do enjoy making them...

I'm happy to report that there's no snow today.   It was actually sunny and bright with temperatures in the 40's.   It's supposed to be warmer tomorrow...yahhhhhhh...maybe spring is on it's way...

Thanks for visiting...
See you tomorrow...
(I can't wait to show you what's new for me...)