Monday, October 31, 2016


Can you believe that today is Halloween?  That today is the last day of October?  That November begins tomorrow?  I look at the calendar and see that it's true but believe me, my mind may know it intellectually but it already time to get ready for Thanksgiving???

I took a long walk today and many homes were decorated for Fall and Halloween like this one...

I didn't take pictures but because the stores on 3rd Avenue in my neck of the woods were offering treats to trick or treaters this afternoon lots of little tots all dressed up were on the sidewalks with parents and grandparents.  Very cute.

Back to the calendar...I guess it's time to think about the next two months.  Well, Thanksgiving for me is easy...the Macy's Day Celebration.   But Christmas...well, I need to get busy and think about gifts to make.   I have a few ideas but can I get them done in time.  I guess time will tell...

So what about you?  Are you looking at the calendar and seeing the slide into the fall and winter celebrations a lot closer than you would like?  Have any ideas about what you're going to do?  Well, if not, maybe tonight while you are waiting for the ghosts and goblins to stop by for their treats, you may want to think about it.

As promised I have more pictures from my Vermont visit.  Traveling the byways...

That's all for today folks.  By the way, I will change the monthly thought and weekly journal prompt tomorrow.

Thanks for dropping by...
Enjoy your trick or treaters...
Talk to you tomorrow...