Friday, April 28, 2017



Ever hear of the saying, 'The best laid plans of mice and (wo)men often go awry.'? Well, that's what happened yesterday. I did make it to the Bronx for lunch although quite a bit later than planned.

I really enjoy sitting on the bridge on the N train, but not for stretches of time! And it wasn't much better at the top end where we were all ceremoniously dropped off of one 6 train only to wait for 15 minutes for another.

And it seemed like all the drivers were in a hurry, so we would speed up, brakes slammed on, stopped, lurched forward, speed up again.  The trip home, on the other hand, was picture perfect!!!

I guess I am telling you this because between that subway ride to the Bronx plus the 18 flights of stairs I climbed on Wednesday my body kind of rebelled. When I got home yesterday, I felt like I was the lady who fell and couldn't get up except I could barely walk.

So, I sat down with my heating pad, took some pain meds and that's all she wrote for the rest of the day. I couldn't even muster enough energy to post a short note on my blog.


I wound up in a Round Robin after all, but there are just two of us in this little exchange. We met, as I said, at my eye doctor's office and exchanged our initial squares. This one is mine...
If it looks familiar it's because I choose to make a block out of my scraps. Remember I am using up my scraps to make a quilted throw for myself.  I was able to find some of the fabrics in this square to include in my envelope.

This is the initial square I received...
I love the colors. I am thinking that maybe I would find a bright pink to sash the block first, just to bring out the pinks in the block. Then I will make miniature four piece squares and use those at alternating angles to surround the block. The good news is that I have until June before we make the exchange.


Today, I decided to really take it easy and rest which seems to have worked for the most part. I can at least get up and walk around without too much trouble. I am a bit sad because it is absolutely beautiful out. I would love to go for a walk, but my reasonable self said to stay put, there will be more beautiful days, so I am.

Besides, it has been a perfect day to make plans for the month of May (and beyond...far beyond!) Just found out that I am in charge of the Holiday Party in December along with the Holiday Charity. Should be interesting to figure this one out. But I do enjoy planning parties and I already have some ideas!!!

My plans for the weekend have changed quite a bit. First because I do want to take it a bit easy on the walking. But second, and more importantly, the R train from my station is shut down for the weekend for maintenance. And driving and finding parking on the weekend in NYC is next to impossible.

Also, because I now have new scripts for glasses (three pair) I will be going out to Valley Stream to select my frames and get that underway.

I also have a few more fabric scrap collages underway and a very interesting way to display them which I promise to share with you either this weekend or Monday. I haven't seen this application anywhere else so it might be unique, but after living this long, I find very little unique...just rediscovered.

Back the the heating pad I go...
Hope your weekend plans are coming together...
Talk to you later...
Thanks for dropping in...