Wednesday, July 19, 2017


Well, the heat hit NYC this week - in the low 90's - which looking at some of the places in our nation isn't all that bad. Nevertheless, I decided to take it easy and stay inside for my exercise, etc. Been listening to Pandora rather than the news. I needed to take a bit of a vacation...even if it's only for a couple hours.

Remember my dollhouse cottage furniture?

I took time to have fun with the sofa. First I covered it with a couple layers of felt and then I covered it with fabric.

I tried a gathered skirt but felt it took too much space in the living room so I went with an airy lace trim instead. I also made a couple pillows...

This is what it looks like in the living room of the cottage...

Well, enough fun's back to work. I am now working on the second workshop for Empire Quilters. Actually, that's a lot of fun also.

Stay cool...
Thanks for dropping by...
Talk to you later...