Tuesday, November 5, 2019


Creating Gives You
Freedom To Share Your Inner
Joys, Loves and Beauty

I remember taking the above photo in Minnesota several years ago.  I still love the juxtaposition of the beautiful orange tree next to the very green somewhat oddly shaped tree.

Well, I woke up early this morning - 4:30am - not feeling well.  Mostly a neck ache and the chills with no energy.  Hope I am not getting sick.  I managed to go out and run a few necessary errands but other than that, I have rested.

I read several blogs interspersed throughout the day and yesterday one caught my eye.  It's Marc and Angel Hack Life.  There was a suggestion for a two minute morning routine that has worked for them.  The article is titled 'A Two Minute Routine That Guarantees A Great Start To The Day'.  

The routine is simple but in the article they explain why it works.  What is the routine?  Complete three sentences:
1.  I will let go of...
2.  I am grateful for...
3.  I will focus on...
One of the suggestions is to finish each sentence with specific things, even if small, rather than generalities.

I think I will introduce that into my routine by ending my morning pages with those three questions.  You may want to give it a try.  Check out their article at their blog site.  It's worth it, as are most of their other articles.

Short post tonight...
Hope this finds all of you well...
Talk with you tomorrow...

Tomorrow's Prompt
What do you enjoy creating?  Painting,
Quilting, Jewelry Making, Scrapbooking,
Writing?  How do you feel when making
your creations?