Wednesday, December 4, 2019


Enriches Everyone's Soul
And Expectations

I did anticipate adding a new post to my blog yesterday but by the time I got home it was late and, as I said before, my strength is not quite up to par.  I had several errands to run trying to catch up with everything that got postponed last week.

I have to say that during much of the drive I felt like I was in a winter wonderland.  It was beautiful with everything covered with white snow.  And then later on, after the sun shone for a couple hours, much looked like glass as the snow turned to ice.

I have finished about a quarter of the Holiday Charity.  Hopefully, I can deliver that this week.  The rest of the charity will wait until next week which, thankfully, everyone is fine with as things are not needed until two weeks from now.

The last prompt about choosing one of five things to accomplish this week...well, I, out of necessity, choose Guild Things.  I really need to get the Holiday Charity ready to go as well as lots of other things that keep cropping up.  I really wanted to choose creativity but, understanding that I have to take my current situation into account, I choose the Guild.  

If I can finish everything but delivering, next week I will choose creativity.  How are you doing with what you chose?

Talk with you tomorrow...

Tomorrow's Prompt
How is your creative life doing?  Are you
creating more or less than you were, say
a year ago?  If less what can you do to increase
your creativity?  If yes, how can you maintain
that level?