Wednesday, July 1, 2020


When the whole world is silent,

Even one voice becomes more powerful.

Boy, things are getting really busy around here.  I am trying to get ready to leave for Utah to pick up Duchess and bring her home but there is so much to do before I leave that I am having a problem reserving time for my blog. 

My posts are going to be sporadic until I get back, unfortunately.  I am still writing a weekly six page newsletters for the guild and they will continue during my trip.  So I am trying to do as much pre-planning and pre-writing as possible.

I am also getting ready for our second virtual meeting before I leave and one shortly after I get back.  That means that everything has to be ready now including slideshows, etc.  My list of things to get done is several pages long - two columns per page!!!

All this is to say that I will be back with better content posts around the middle of August.  Until then, my posting will be less regular than normal.  I will try to take some pictures on the trip and share them. 

Can you believe that it is already July and the Fourth is this weekend?   This summer is flying by, but life seems to be at a standstill, if you know what I mean.  Guess even our new normal is not going to be with us for a long time...

Enjoy the fourth, at home.
Stay safe and keep well.
Until next time...