Thursday, April 11, 2024

Well, it's going to be in the mid 60's today but rain and stormy weather are also in the forecast.  There has to be a week in the future without rain.  At least I hope so.  

The landlord wants to scrape and paint this house.  He had planned on doing it last fall but the weather intervened and it looks like it is being put off again week by week.  Frustrating!

So I promised to show you what my studio/office/bedroom looks like now that I have finished cleaning (and before I began a new project)!  The first picture is of the room from the entryway door.  You can see the wide scope of the room with the large cutting table in the middle...

The next picture is of my daybed.  The ironing board hanging on the door was not too interesting so I hung one of my wall hangings on it.  And there are quilts on the quilt stand.  Two of my works are also hanging on the wall.  Oh, and that's Tiger on the bed...

This is a picture of my office space with my computers.  I decided to set up my keyboard because I enjoy playing.  Normally I kept it under one of the more...I want to continue playing.  The folding doors, which do not fit, are to my small walk-in closet...

Next is a picture of some of my storage areas.  The door is to my bathroom.  Note the exercise bike in front of the big shelf...

This is where I do my paper crafts, basically my junk journals.  It never looks like this when I am working.  Think paper scraps all over the table and floor!...

And this is my sewing area.  I only have one sewing machine set up at the present.  

And this last one is of the fabric I have on shelves.  It was sorted into colors at one time but the colors got mixed up...

So that's what my place looks like when clean and organized.  It's crowded but it works for me.

That's all for today...have a good with you later...