Friday, July 26, 2024

A repeat day - high in the low 90's and no rain.  Looking ahead it looks like the three digit days are in the future!

So I did use some vinegar on weeds yesterday evening but haven't been outside yet to check and see if it did anything.  Talking to a friend yesterday, she used vinegar without the salt on weeds and it works well.  I'll let you know next week what happens.

One of the workshops in Quilt 2024 Summer Camp concerned a well known child favorite activity...

Coloring on Fabric with regular crayons!  This is not a new technique.  I have an article from a 1960's 
craft magazine about coloring on fabric.  

An update on this technique includes a step I have never done before.  What is that step?  Well, before adding any color to the fabric, use the white color crayon and apply it evenly but not heavily, to the entire fabric area where you want to color with crayons.

To make sure all the area is covered, hold the fabric up to see if any area has been missed.  If the area is covered completely with white then add the rest of the crayon creation.

When finished, the best way to remove the wax but leave the tint is to layer it with a piece of parchment paper on the bottom, then a clean paper towel, the fabric with crayon, another clean paper towel and finally another piece of parchment paper.  

The parchment paper is to protect the ironing board and iron.  The paper towels are to soak up the wax.  So iron it, then remove both paper towels and replace with new ones (Do not reuse the paper towels.) Continue until the paper towels are clean after ironing.  That means that the wax has been removed leaving the tint behind and setting.

Washing regularly in hot water and drying in a hot dryer is not recommended although it can be washed occasionally.  I would suggest that this method is not used on quilts that are used and washed regularly.  I plan on using it on a quilted landscape creation which will be a wall hanging. 

So, do you have any plans for the weekend?  I plan on working on my fabric and paper creations to see if I can build up enough inventory to open an ETSY shop late fall.

Whatever you are planning to do, make sure it has time for you, time for family and/or friends and time to relax...

Talk with you next week...