Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The warm up to the triple digit temperatures is beginning today...high 90's.  Although I am usually cold and wear a hoody in the house, I will be glad to have the ac over the next week.

Got all my exercises in yesterday so today only a walking exercise.  I have found that I have less discomfort and actually more benefit if I do my hard core and strength exercises every other day but walk every day.  How about you?  I hope that you are at least doing some sort of exercise every day.  Movement is one of the best things to do to keep active throughout your life even into your late 70's, 80's and beyond.  On one of my exercises (I use the ones on YouTube) there was a women who was 87 and still lifting weights and doing the exercises.  Gives me hope!

So I promised pictures of where I create now.  It's not big but it works well.  One thing not in the pictures is the ironing board and iron which is set up also in the room.  Here's the overall picture...

This is my sewing area...

And this is where I work on my junk journals as well as doing work on my laptop with is under the iPad...

As I said, a far cry from my studio back home which is gone, but I have everything I need at this point to have fun and create some nice things.

Oh, and I needed another container for my sewing things so I used an Amazon box.  Using a hot glue gun, I first covered it with batting, then with cloth and lace...

It wasn't sitting even so I used a bead and a bead end cap on each corner and it sits fine...

So this is where I will be creating for at least the next couple months while my son back east looks for a place to live!

Hope all is well where you are and that you are having an enjoyable time creating...talk with you later...