Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Another cool day with rain in the forecast.  And it did rain late afternoon yesterday for quite a while...with thunder and lightening!

The upcoming days do include two 90 degree days but the rest are in the mid 80's.  

I need to get some tulle before I can continue with my landscape quilt.  I have the foreground done with lots and lots of small pieces.  As it is a raw edge landscape, I need something to cover the portion already cut and placed (without glue) so it doesn't move.

I did work on one four page spread for the new journal.  This journal is larger so the pages are 5 1/2 inches by 5 1/4 inches.  Here's the first two pages...

I used a page from an old children's book covering some portions and leaving others with pictures uncovered.  Here are the three journaling items.  The first one is a journal card.  The middle  is a covered lined notebook.   And third is a card with a closure.

And here is the back side of the spread...

There are two inserts.  Another notebook, this time with plain paper and the other is a card with a slip on closure.  Inside, if you pull the tab with the butterfly, the paper unfolds to give a long area on which to write...

I had a frustrating time working on the above spread...not sure why, but it turned out okay.  As I was working through the frustration I began to  berate myself about the situation when I remembered an article I had recently read about talking about yourself.

Basically, the article explained how important it was that we talk to and about ourselves using positive, loving terms...not the berating that I was beginning to do.  

How do you talk about yourself?  Positively or negatively?  It really is important for your well being.  How do you think you would feel if you always talked about yourself in negative terms?  Your self-esteem would probably take a nose-dive.  

So next time you even think about berating yourself...stop!  Look at the situation as a learning activity, or something unexpected, not as a time to tell yourself it's your fault, or how stupid you were to make this mistake, etc.  A much better way to react to a frustrating situation.

That's all for today...need to shop for some tulle (and invisible thread)...

Talk with you tomorrow...