And right now, around 10am Mountain Daylight Savings Time, it's only 69 degrees. What an absolute treat!
I picked up an Ott light yesterday, on sale, 50% off, at JoAnns. I realized that the light I did have was not showing the true colors of the fabric and embroidery floss I was using. I had no idea that there was a sale, just knew that I needed to change my lighting. The sale was a bonus (and no I have no relationship with JoAnns).
Yesterday was errand day which meant driving to Vernal to pick up several things to help a grandchild get ready for school (starts next week!) as well as pick up a few items I needed like tulle and invisible thread.
As I was watching children getting things for school I remembered an article I read about 'thinking like a child'. Two things that 'thinking like a child' stood out.
First, curiosity. Remember when your children kept asking questions...including the every ready 'why'? Well, as adults many of us lose that curiosity and we need to get it back. Being curious about things allows our mind to expand. We may be curious about different things, but remaining curious is good for our even releases dopamine which is the happy chemical.
The second is doing without judgement. Coloring, making things, even getting dressed without thought as to what others will think about what you do. How many of us stop and think about other's judgement before we start something new...leading an organization, trying a new craft, redecorating our home or talking to a group.
We need to think like a child and just do it and forget about how other's may judge us. After all, we only go around once and it would be sad to think someone didn't do what they wanted because others many judge them.
In a way, my doodling is a bit like thinking like a child. I don't plan, nor think if it's good or bad...I just doodle. Check these out...