Looking at the next ten days, there are no temperatures higher than 77 degrees! Fall has arrived around here!
While watching football games this past weekend, I did create more snowflakes. I always make something to send out for the winter holidays and this year I think I will send out several snowflakes along with window hangers so folks can decorate their window. What do you think about that idea? Here are a few of the ones I crocheted during the games...
Yesterday I worked on the 'Happy Villages' project. I managed to get several more houses decorated. I also enlarged the courtyard area so I can fit more trees, benches and steps in...
Did you know that there is a small backlash against decluttering and keeping things nice and tidy? In an article from 'Flourish Magazine' titled 'A Merry Mess' by Zoe McDonald, the writer posits that maybe all the tidiness may be a negative for creativity. Especially for those folks who really work best with piles of stuff on their work area rather than a clean, tidy area.
Everyone is different in how they pursue their creative ventures from office work to making a quilt. Some want clean, pristine, uncluttered areas and others want messy, cluttered and full areas. I like areas that are somewhat tidy but full of things! And when I work, I create messes as well as creations.
I have to say that although I follow my own 'drum', I have felt sorry for folks who followed the strict tidiness and uncluttered cultural norm of the year only to find that they miss all those things they disposed of and feel uncomfortable in such a sterile abode.
I like the idea that if an item has purpose OR beauty OR brings joy, then keep it and vice versa. Course, in my case, that generally means that I keep things.
How about you? The best way to approach this is to find what makes you happy and forget what others think is the right way. There really is no 'right' way, each of us has our own way and that's the 'right' way for us.
Talk with you tomorrow...