Tuesday, September 10, 2024

It's really cool this morning, 61 degrees!  A promising start to an almost fall day!

The football game last night wasn't especially exciting but for me any football game is a winner!

Looks like the news is all about the upcoming debate this evening between the two candidates for president.  Are you going to tune in?  Are you registered to vote?  I hope you're planning to vote because as a member of this democracy, it is one of our benefits and our obligations.

The quilt is ready for finishing.  After looking at the picture below, I realized that I didn't take the time to lay it out very well.  But it does lay nicely and will be easy to tie.  If I had more room, I would quilt it probably in the ditch, but without that space, it will be much easier to tie...

I have been reading the second book in Kate P Adam's A Charleton House Mystery series titled 'A Killer Wedding'.  I love the banter between the Sophie and Mark, the ever ready cup of coffee and Pumpkin the overweight cat!  A fun, easy to read cosy mystery.

Today is errand day.  I have been putting it off, but I need to pick up several things as well as set up an appointment for SnowWhite for an oil change and to check out a couple things.  Today is a walk day, so after all the errands, I'll check my steps.  If I need more, I will use a walking video to make up needed steps.

One of the things I will be doing while out and about is check out a few things to consider making for the upcoming holidays.  It's not too late, especially for me, because getting the house set up once the sale goes through will be time-consuming and hard.  

Everything in storage has to be cleaned outside before bringing into the house.  That's a lot to do, folks.

Have a great day...

Talk with you tomorrow...